Etienne Maricq
Coordinador de Visitas
Etienne Maricq, born in Belgium in 1955, earned his BEng of Electrical Engineering in 1977 from McGill University in Montreal, and his MSc in 1991 from University of London.
His profesional career has centered on industry, starting as a field engineer for Oil Service Company Schlumberger (SLB) progressing to technical director, then managing director. In 1995 he joined BOC-Edwards, a high vacuum systems manufacturer centered on semiconductor waferfab manufacturing as president of Asia-Pacific, then joined Checkpoint Systems, known for its electromagnetic/radiofrequency and RFID antitheft and inventory visibility solutions, as worldwide VP of field services. Thereafter became a consultant to industry and also a referee for the European Commission in Energy and Metrology programs.
He participated or directed numerous new product development projects, including participation in EU RTD projects.
His areas of specialisation relating to engineering developments have included: nuclear tools for geophysical data acquisition, geophysical data acquisition surface systems, automated maintenance and diagnostic systems, high vacuum pump systems (dry pumps, turbo-molecular pumps) and gas abatement systems for semiconductor manufacturing, field service resources optimization systems, remote monitoring and control systems for large-scale retail sites, IOT and metrology.
He joined the IEEE in 1974 and recently became a Life Member. From 2002 to 2012 he was Chairman of the IET Iberica branch. He is a licensed radioamateur and multi-engine instrument-rated private pilot.