Jaime Lloret

Coordinador de Conferencias

Prof. Jaime Lloret received his B.Sc.+M.Sc. in  Physics in 1997, his B.Sc.+M.Sc. in electronic Engineering in 2003 and  his Ph.D. in telecommunication engineering (Dr. Ing.) in 2006. He is a  Cisco Certified Network Professional Instructor. He worked as a  network designer and administrator in several enterprises. He is  currently Associate Professor in the Polytechnic University of  Valencia. He is the Chair of the Integrated Management Coastal  Research Institute (IGIC) and he is the head of the «Active and  collaborative techniques and use of technologic resources in the  education (EITACURTE)» Innovation Group. He is the director of the  University Diploma “Redes y Comunicaciones de Ordenadores” and he has  been the director of the University Master «Digital Post Production»  for the term 2012-2016.

He was Vice-chair for the Europe/Africa Region  of Cognitive Networks Technical Committee (IEEE Communications  Society) for the term 2010-2012 and Vice-chair of the Internet  Technical Committee (IEEE Communications Society and Internet society)  for the term 2011-2013. He has been Internet Technical Committee chair  (IEEE Communications Society and Internet society) for the term  2013-2015. He has authored 22 book chapters and has more than 480  research papers published in national and international conferences,  international journals (more than 220 with ISI Thomson JCR). He has  been the co-editor of 40 conference proceedings and guest editor of  several international books and journals. He is editor-in-chief of the  “Ad Hoc and Sensor Wireless Networks” (with ISI Thomson Impact  Factor), the international journal «Networks Protocols and  Algorithms», and the International Journal of Multimedia  Communications. Moreover, he is Associate Editor-in-Chief of “Sensors”  in the Section sensor Networks, he is advisory board member of the  “International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks” (both with ISI  Thomson Impact factor), and he is IARIA Journals Board Chair (8  Journals). Furthermore, he is (or has been) associate editor of 46  international journals (16 of them with ISI Thomson Impact Factor). He  has been involved in more than 450 Program committees of international  conferences, and more than 150 organization and steering committees.  He has led many local, regional, national and European projects. He is  currently the chair of the Working Group of the Standard IEEE 1907.1.  Since 2016 he is the Spanish researcher with highest h-index in the  TELECOMMUNICATIONS journal list according to Clarivate Analytics  Ranking.

He has been general chair (or co-chair) of 52 International  workshops and conferences (chairman of SENSORCOMM 2007, UBICOMM 2008,  ICNS 2009, ICWMC 2010, eKNOW 2012, SERVICE COMPUTATION 2013, COGNITIVE  2013, ADAPTIVE 2013, 12th AICT 2016, 11th ICIMP 2016, 3rd GREENETS  2016, 13th IWCMC 2017, 10th WMNC 2017, 18th ICN 2019, 14th ICDT 2019,  12th CTRQ 2019, 12th ICSNC 2019, 8th INNOV 2019, 14th ICDS 2020, 5th  ALLSENSORS 2020, IndustrialIoT 2020 and GC-ElecEng 2020, and  co-chairman of ICAS 2009, INTERNET 2010, MARSS 2011, IEEE MASS 2011,  SCPA 2011, ICDS 2012, 2nd IEEE SCPA 2012, GreeNets 2012, 3rd IEEE SCPA  2013, SSPA 2013, AdHocNow 2014, MARSS 2014, SSPA 2014, IEEE CCAN 2015,  4th IEEE SCPA 2015, IEEE SCAN 2015, ICACCI 2015, SDRANCAN 2015, FMEC  2016, 2nd FMEC 2017, 5th SCPA 2017, XIII JITEL 2017, 3rd SDS 2018, 5th  IoTSMS 2018, 4th FMEC 2019, 10th International Symposium on Ambient  Intelligence 2019, 6th SNAMS 2019, and ACN 2019, and local chair of  MIC-WCMC 2013 and IEEE Sensors 2014). He is IEEE Senior, ACM Senior  and IARIA Fellow.


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