IEEEDay 2019. Workshop: «The opportunities of building IEEE Standards for Europe, Middle East and Africa”

Dentro de los actos de celebración del IEEEDay se va a llevar a cabo el Workshop titulado "The opportunities of building IEEE Standards for Europe, Middle East and Africa". La agenda del evento es la siguiente: AGENDA 18:00 - Ceremony of IEEE Spain Awards 2019. Jesús Fraile - IEEE Spain Section Chair Stephen Welby – Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer of IEEE. USA. 18:30 – Opening Talk. Stephen Welby – Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer of IEEE. USA. 18:45 - Introduction. Oscar M Bonastre – IEEE Chair Elect 2020-2021 Spain Section. Prof. Advanced Distributed Systems, Miguel Hernandez University, Spain. 18:50 – Why Standards Matter? Developing standards within IEEE-SA: Process & Governance. David Law - Distinguished Technologist at Hewlett Packard Enterprise. IEEE representative to European Commission ICT Standardization Platform, IEEE R8 standards coordinator. UK. 19:05 - IEEE standardization and certification initiatives around Artificial Intelligence. Clara Neppel. Senior Director of the IEEE Global Office in Vienna. Austria 19:15 - IEEE standards shaping the future of road transportation. Hermann Brand - European Standards Affairs Director IEEE Technology Centre. Austria David Law - Distinguished Technologist at Hewlett Packard Enterprise. IEEE representative to European Commission ICT Standardization Platform, IEEE R8 standards coordinator. UK. 19:35 – The need of interoperability in the field of e-health. Christopher James, Professor of Biomedical Engineering. Director of Warwick Engineering in Biomedicine, University of Warwick, UK. 19:45 – The need of Blockchain standards. Brian Heinen. Founder, Local Producer Ltd and the Blockchain in Europe Group 19:55 - Interaction between the speakers and questions from audience. Moderator: Oscar M Bonastre – IEEE Chair Elect 2020-2021 Spain Section. Prof. Advanced Distributed Systems, Miguel Hernandez University, Spain.   This workshop is open to public. Please confirm attendance, before Oct. 7th, through the following link:

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