IEEE PES ESPAÑA | 40 Aniversario del IIT – Retos Globales y Nacionales de la Descarbonización de la Energía

Alberto Aguilera 23, Madrid, Madrid, Spain, 28015

IEEE PES ESPAÑA | 40 Aniversario del IIT - Retos Globales y Nacionales de la Descarbonización de la Energía Estimados Miembros del Capítulo IEEE PES ESPAÑA y de la comunidad de sistemas eléctricos de potencia, En línea con el tema de LA TRANSICIÓN ENERGETICA | Hacia una ECONOMIA DESCARBONIZADA, les invitamos a asistir al siguiente evento: 40 Aniversario del IIT - Retos Globales y Nacionales de la Descarbonización de la Energía El IIT (Instituto de Investigación Tecnológica) es un Instituto Universitario que pertenece a la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería (ICAI) de la Universidad Pontificia Comillas y que celebra en el 2024 su 40 aniversario. En este mismo año, el capítulo español de la IEEE PES celebra su 30 aniversario. Uno de los cuatro fundadores del capítulo español de la IEEE PES es del IIT y el IIT siempre ha estado muy presente en la directiva del capítulo. Con este evento se conmemora la creación del IIT en el 1984. El evento se estructura en tres sesiones sobre retos de descarbonización con invitados de empresas e instituciones. Más información en: Fecho: Lunes, 11 de noviembre, 2024 Hora: 09:00 - 17:10 (CET) Idioma: Inglés y castellano La participación en este evento es abierta a cualquier asistente, incluyendo miembros de IEEE/PES y no-miembros. Sin embargo, es necesario registrarse previamente. El acceso al REGISTRO es: Para información adicional: Un cordial saludo, Lukas Sigrist Tesorero (, ( Alberto Aguilera 23, Madrid, Madrid, Spain, 28015

Jornada en homenaje a Gabriel Diaz

Room: Sala de Grados , Bldg: Facultad de Educación de la UNED , Facultad de Educación, UNED , Madrid, Madrid, Spain, 28040, Virtual:

Desde el Capítulo Español de Educación del IEEE estamos organizando una Jornada en homenaje de nuestro querido Gabriel Diaz Orueta, recientemente fallecido y que fue presidente del capítulo. La jornada servirá para recordar a Gabriel. La Jornada tendrá lugar el próximo Miércoles, 13 de noviembre, de 19 a 20:30, en la Sala de Grados de la Facultad de Educación de la UNED. La Jornada tendrá lugar de forma presencial, pero también se habilitará un enlace para poder asistir de forma on-line. Es necesario registro previo. 19:00-19:30. Charla invitada por Lorena García, Título: "IEEE TryEngineering y su Impacto en la Educación STEM". 19:30-19:45.Preguntas y comentarios. 19:45-20:00. Repaso a la trayectoria de Gabriel Díaz. 20:00-20:30. Mesa redonda en recuerdo de Gabriel Díaz Speaker(s): Lorena García Room: Sala de Grados , Bldg: Facultad de Educación de la UNED , Facultad de Educación, UNED , Madrid, Madrid, Spain, 28040, Virtual:

IEEE PES ESPAÑA | | Synchronization in low-inertia power systems


IEEE PES ESPAÑA | | THE ENERGY TRANSITION | Towards a DECARBONIZED ENERGY | Synchronization in low-inertia power systems Estimados Miembros del Capítulo IEEE PES ESPAÑA y de la comunidad de sistemas eléctricos de potencia, Dear IEEE PES Spain Members and Colleagues from power and energy community, Continuing with the series on the topic LA TRANSICIÓN ENERGETICA | Hacia una ECONOMIA DESCARBONIZADA THE ENERGY TRANSITION | Towards a DECARBONIZED ECONOMY The energy transition towards a decarbonized economy will present a relevant challenge and a crucial transformation faced by our Society; Decelerating climate change effects is becoming a moral commitment. As a society, we are part of the decarbonized energy process that goes through the electrification of the economy and it is supported by renewables within a sustainable energy model. This means a change of paradigm which heads towards an immediate exciting future full of challenges at all levels associated with flexibility in its widest conception. It is assumed that a change of paradigm, that requires changing the focus from active based asset management towards the digitalization that ensures resiliency and security for the future electric systems. In this context, we need to contribute and stimulate the exchange of ideas from different perspectives and experiences, creating a framework of reflection through these series of webinars. The expected benefit and impact is the identification of opportunities within the complexity associated with the change of paradigm. En este webinar, Federico Milano (University College Dublin) nos hablará sobre un nuevo mecanismo de sincronización en sistemas eléctricos de baja inercia. Título: Synchronization in low-inertia power systems Contenido: Synchronization generally refers to the ability of a power system to keep a common frequency across the whole grid. This is a direct consequence of the behaviour of synchronous machines, which can be in steady state only if their rotor speed is synchronous with the frequency of the grid. This seminar introduces a different approach to define the local synchronization of power systems devices. The starting point is the difference between the “complex frequency” of the voltage and current injected at terminals. Complex frequency is novel concept recently proposed by the presenter and that include information on both phase and magnitude rate of changes of voltages and currents. Formal definitions are provided to account for bounded and asymptotic local synchronization. These definitions are suitable for modern power systems as they remove classical assumptions limiting the application of the concept of synchronization to synchronous machines and omitting voltage dynamics. The paper also provides a systematic analytical description of the synchronization mechanisms of common power system devices. The seminar blends theory and a variety of examples that illustrate the practical application of the proposed definitions to power systems modelling and stability analysis. Ponente: Federico Milano (University College Dublin) Fecha: Martes 19 de noviembre de 2024 Hora: 18:00 - 20:00 (CET) Idioma: Castellano La participación en estos webinar es abierta a cualquier asistente, incluyendo miembros de IEEE/PES y no-miembros. Sin embargo, el REGISTRO en el evento es necesario para recibir en enlace URL para el evento WebEx. En enlace de conexión para este se mandará a los asistentes el día del evento a las 11:30 AM (CET). El registro se cierra el día 19.11.2024 a las 11:30 AM (CET). El acceso al REGISTRO es: For further information: : The IEEE PES ESPAÑA System issues participation certificates in these to the attendees under request. The necessary condition for the System to issue the certificate is that the attendee must participate with at least one voice question during the question time. Looking forward to seeing you. Un cordial saludo, José María Maza-Ortega Vicepresidente (, ( Speaker(s): Federico Milano Virtual:

Distinguished Lecture by Dr. Nizar Zorba – Are UAVs needed for wider implementation of Terahertz Communications?

Centre Technologic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC), Castelldefels, Cataluna, Spain

Wireless backhaul/fronthaul links are proposed as an alternative for massive deployment of small cells because they are more flexible, easy to deploy, and cost effective as compared to the traditional optical fiber links. High frequency millimetre wave (mmWave) and terahertz (THz) links meet the capacity requirements of next generation communication networks. However, mmWave/THz links suffer from susceptibility to weather conditions and require a line-of-sight (LoS) connection, which is the main hurdle in urban regions. The utilization of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) as a wireless fronthaul hub point between small cells and the core network is the promising solution. These UAV-hubs acting as networked flying platforms (NFPs) provide a possibility of wireless LoS fronthaul link and thus, enable the implementation of mmWave/THz in commercial systems at a fast pace, and is expected to boom in the next years. In this talk we will start with a literature review on the chronological order for mmWave/THz communications, Intelligent reflecting surface (IRS), UAVs and multihop technology with the objective to introduce the different technologies that will merge to solve the challenges faced by Terahertz communications. Along the whole talk, we will highlight the different technologies that enable the tackled scenario, together with the comparison to the different proposals from the literature/industry to deal with such scenario. Speaker(s): Nizar Zorba Centre Technologic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC), Castelldefels, Cataluna, Spain

Distinguished Lecture by Dr. Nizar Zorba – Are UAVs needed for wider implementation of Terahertz Communications?

Universidad Oberta de Catalunya (UoC), Barcelona, Cataluna, Spain

Wireless backhaul/fronthaul links are proposed as an alternative for massive deployment of small cells because they are more flexible, easy to deploy, and cost effective as compared to the traditional optical fiber links. High frequency millimetre wave (mmWave) and terahertz (THz) links meet the capacity requirements of next generation communication networks. However, mmWave/THz links suffer from susceptibility to weather conditions and require a line-of-sight (LoS) connection, which is the main hurdle in urban regions. The utilization of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) as a wireless fronthaul hub point between small cells and the core network is the promising solution. These UAV-hubs acting as networked flying platforms (NFPs) provide a possibility of wireless LoS fronthaul link and thus, enable the implementation of mmWave/THz in commercial systems at a fast pace, and is expected to boom in the next years. In this talk we will start with a literature review on the chronological order for mmWave/THz communications, Intelligent reflecting surface (IRS), UAVs and multihop technology with the objective to introduce the different technologies that will merge to solve the challenges faced by Terahertz communications. Along the whole talk, we will highlight the different technologies that enable the tackled scenario, together with the comparison to the different proposals from the literature/industry to deal with such scenario. Speaker(s): Nizar Zorba Universidad Oberta de Catalunya (UoC), Barcelona, Cataluna, Spain

Distinguished Lecture by Dr. Nizar Zorba – Are UAVs needed for wider implementation of Terahertz Communications?

Universidad Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Barcelona, Cataluna, Spain

Wireless backhaul/fronthaul links are proposed as an alternative for massive deployment of small cells because they are more flexible, easy to deploy, and cost effective as compared to the traditional optical fiber links. High frequency millimetre wave (mmWave) and terahertz (THz) links meet the capacity requirements of next generation communication networks. However, mmWave/THz links suffer from susceptibility to weather conditions and require a line-of-sight (LoS) connection, which is the main hurdle in urban regions. The utilization of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) as a wireless fronthaul hub point between small cells and the core network is the promising solution. These UAV-hubs acting as networked flying platforms (NFPs) provide a possibility of wireless LoS fronthaul link and thus, enable the implementation of mmWave/THz in commercial systems at a fast pace, and is expected to boom in the next years. In this talk we will start with a literature review on the chronological order for mmWave/THz communications, Intelligent reflecting surface (IRS), UAVs and multihop technology with the objective to introduce the different technologies that will merge to solve the challenges faced by Terahertz communications. Along the whole talk, we will highlight the different technologies that enable the tackled scenario, together with the comparison to the different proposals from the literature/industry to deal with such scenario. Speaker(s): Nizar Zorba Universidad Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Barcelona, Cataluna, Spain

Distinguished Lecture by Dr. Nizar Zorba – Are UAVs needed for wider implementation of Terahertz Communications?

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Madrid, Madrid, Spain

Wireless backhaul/fronthaul links are proposed as an alternative for massive deployment of small cells because they are more flexible, easy to deploy, and cost effective as compared to the traditional optical fiber links. High frequency millimetre wave (mmWave) and terahertz (THz) links meet the capacity requirements of next generation communication networks. However, mmWave/THz links suffer from susceptibility to weather conditions and require a line-of-sight (LoS) connection, which is the main hurdle in urban regions. The utilization of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) as a wireless fronthaul hub point between small cells and the core network is the promising solution. These UAV-hubs acting as networked flying platforms (NFPs) provide a possibility of wireless LoS fronthaul link and thus, enable the implementation of mmWave/THz in commercial systems at a fast pace, and is expected to boom in the next years. In this talk we will start with a literature review on the chronological order for mmWave/THz communications, Intelligent reflecting surface (IRS), UAVs and multihop technology with the objective to introduce the different technologies that will merge to solve the challenges faced by Terahertz communications. Along the whole talk, we will highlight the different technologies that enable the tackled scenario, together with the comparison to the different proposals from the literature/industry to deal with such scenario. Speaker(s): Nizar Zorba Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Madrid, Madrid, Spain

Escape Room "Save the world with telecommunications".

Room: 40E01, Bldg: Torres Quevedo, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Av. de la Universidad, 30, Av. de la Universidad, 30, Leganés, Madrid, Spain, 28911

Come and learn how telecommunications works and, if you are good enough, you will be able to escep from our escape room! Room: 40E01, Bldg: Torres Quevedo, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Av. de la Universidad, 30, Av. de la Universidad, 30, Leganés, Madrid, Spain, 28911

Reunión del Capítulo Español de la IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society


Apreciados/as miembros del capítulo, Convocamos una reunión del capítulo español de la sociedad IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems. El principal objetivo es presentar las activiades realizadas por el capítulo, recoger opiniones, ideas, etc. de los miembros de cara a mejorar las actividades del capítulo. Pueden participar todos los miembros del capítulo con voz y voto, y cualquier otro miembro del IEEE, sin voto. Se realizará online. También pretende ser el punto de partida para iniciar la renovación del equipo directivo mediante la convocatoria de elecciones. Orden del día: - Presentación de las actividades del capítulo - Presentación del estado de la cuentas - Resumen del IEEE Day 2024 celebrado recientemente - Renovación del equipo directivo; elecciones. - Turno abierto de palabra Atentamente, Gonzalo Seco (Presidente), Pilar Jarabo (Vicepresidenta), José Salcedo (Tesorero/Secretario) Equipo directivo del capítulo. Virtual:

Evento de Ciberseguridad sobre NIS2

Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería y Sistemas de Telecomunicación (ETSIST) | Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), C. Nikola Tesla, Puente de Vallecas, 28038 Madrid, Madrid, Madrid, Spain, 28038

BORRADOR Organizar un evento centrado en la próxima implementación de la NIS2, prevista para el 17 de octubre. Este evento tiene como objetivo principal concienciar y aumentar el alcance sobre los cambios y retos que traerá esta nueva normativa, especialmente porque muchas empresas, sobre todo las medianas, aún no están completamente preparadas para estos cambios. La idea es abordar cómo la NIS2 afectará a las empresas industriales y los pasos que deben tomar para prepararse, en contraste con el enfoque IT tradicional. El formato propuesto para el evento sería presencial o híbrido (presencial + remoto) si fuera posible. La duración estimada sería de aproximadamente 1h30 e incluiría 1-2 sesiones preparadas por miembros del grupo de trabajo, seguidas de una mesa redonda que involucraría a miembros del grupo, alguna empresa externa y un organismo público. Cualquier ayuda ponganse en contacto conmigo Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería y Sistemas de Telecomunicación (ETSIST) | Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), C. Nikola Tesla, Puente de Vallecas, 28038 Madrid, Madrid, Madrid, Spain, 28038