Calendario de Eventos

L Lun

M Mar

X Mié

J Jue

V Vie

S Sáb

D Dom

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1 evento,


Distinguished Industry Speaker Dr. Farhan Baqai – Digital Camera Signal Processing — History, Recent Advances, Challenges, and Opportunities

3 eventos,


How AI is boosting the Telecommunications Sector


Distinguished Industry Speaker Dr. Farhan Baqai – Digital Camera Signal Processing — History, Recent Advances, Challenges, and Opportunities


Promoción del talento: trabajar en ciberseguridad – Cybercamp UNED-INCIBE

1 evento,


IEEE PES ESPAÑA | | Evaluación de Modelos Híbridos de IA en la Protección Eléctrica de Transformadores de Potencia: Clasificación de Fallos con el Modelo Inception-Transformer

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2 eventos,


Reunión del Capítulo Español de la IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society


IEEE PES ESPAÑA | | Needs for climate policies

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0 eventos,

0 eventos,

0 eventos,

0 eventos,

1 evento,



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2 eventos,

Best Student Journal Paper Award of the IEEE CEDA Spain Section


Distinguished Lecture by Dr. Augusto Neto – DL-based resource management

2 eventos,


Distinguished Lecture by Dr. Augusto Neto – DL-based resource management

2 eventos,


Distinguished Lecture by Dr. Augusto Neto – DL-based resource management