Presentaciones, Talleres y Demostradores de Posicionamiento y Navegación en Interiores

Bldg: Facultad de Ciencias , Av. de Fuente Nueva, s/n, Beiro, Granada, Andalucia, Spain, 18071

Actividad coesponsorizada con la Red Nacional de Posicionamiento y Navegación en Espacios Interiores y Exteriores Delimitados y sus Aplicaciones (REPNIN++) Co-sponsored by: REPNIN++ Bldg: Facultad de Ciencias , Av. de Fuente Nueva, s/n, Beiro, Granada, Andalucia, Spain, 18071

IEEE International Mediterranean Conference on Communications and Networking (IEEE Meditcom 2024)

Madrid, Madrid, Spain

The Fourth IEEE International Mediterranean Conference on Communications and Networking (IEEE MEDITCOM 2024) will take place on 8 - 11 July 2024 in Madrid, Spain. IEEE MEDITCOM brings together researchers and visionaries in academia, research labs and industry from all over the world to the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, with a technical program that addresses many of the outstanding challenges that exist in the areas of communications and networking. The conference features research papers on a wide range of research topics, spanning both theoretical and systems research along with vertical technologies. IEEE MEDITCOM participants also have an opportunity to experience the exciting and dynamic Madrid and surroundings, with its rich history, culture and beauty. IEEE Communications Society aims at engaging local IEEE Sections, ComSoc Chapters, and possibly Sister Societies, from all Mediterranean region, including Spain, France, Monaco, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania, Greece, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Malta, and Cyprus. We hope you will join us at IEEE MEDITCOM 2024 in Madrid! Agenda: Madrid, Madrid, Spain

Women in Smart Communications (WiSC) Event, 3rd Edition

Hotel Emperador, Calle Gran Vía, 53 28013 Madrid, Spain, Madrid, Cataluna, Spain, Virtual:

[] This WiSC workshop will include Technical Talks delivered by female speakers from Academia and Industry whose expertise fall in the broad area of smart wireless communications networks. The event will also host a women empowerment Panel Discussion on “Women Advancing Smart Communications: Building Reliable Systems and Empowering Behavioral Change”, the panel will discuss how to empower youth in network design and modelling and pave their way for innovation. - Technical Talks – Time: 14:00 – 15:00 - Panel Discussion – Time: 15:00 – 15:30 Zoom Link for the Online Participants: ( Meeting ID: 896 6367 3369 Passcode: 715052 Speaker(s): Prof. Sinem Coleri, Dr. Francesca Marcello , Dr. Marta Orduna , Prof. M. Julia Fernández-Getino García Hotel Emperador, Calle Gran Vía, 53 28013 Madrid, Spain, Madrid, Cataluna, Spain, Virtual:

UPM Campus Sur SB at Student and Young Professional Congress 2024 (Grenoble)

Grenoble, Rhooe-Alpes, France

The IEEE R8 Student and Young Professional Congress is the largest event in all Region 8. It occurs every two years and gathers both students and young professionals members from all Sections in this Region. SYP's main goal is to enhance and foster the engineering sense and capabilities through different activities both technically and culturally. It also provides an opportunity to network. Nestled in the heart of the picturesque French Alps, Grenoble is the perfect blend of rich cultural heritage, technological innovation, and academic brilliance. Renowned for its stunning landscapes, Grenoble offers a unique backdrop for the IEEE Region 8 SYP Congress. This vibrant city, known as the "Capital of the Alps," boasts a captivating mix of historic charm and modern sophistication. As a hub of technological excellence, Grenoble stands at the forefront of innovation, home to cutting-edge research institutions and a thriving tech industry. The city's academic prowess is equally impressive, with world-class universities fostering a dynamic intellectual environment. Join us in Grenoble for an unforgettable experience, where cultural richness meets technological advancement, creating the ideal setting for collaboration and exploration Grenoble, Rhooe-Alpes, France

Reunión del Grupo Temático de Robótica (GTROB) en las XLV Jornadas de Automática

Bldg: Edificio de Ingenierías UMA,, Escuela de Ingenierías Industriales, Arquitecto Francisco Peñalosa, 6,, Malaga, Andalucia, Spain, 29071

Del 4 al 6 de septiembre de 2024 se llevarán a cabo en la Universidad de la Rioja, en Logroño, las XLIII Jornadas de Automática 2022, y en su marco una reunión del Grupo Temático de Robótica(GTROB) del Comité Español de Automática. Información detallada sobre el evento puede encontrarse en: Los trabajos enviados se presentarán como posters y las tres mejores contribuciones al grupo temático de robótica, serán presentados durante una sesión el Grupo Temático de Robótica. En el marco de GTROB se fallará el Premio mejor tesis sobre Robótica y se realizará el oncurso CEABOT (concurso de pequeños humanoides). Co-sponsored by: Universidad de Malaga Agenda: Bldg: Edificio de Ingenierías UMA,, Escuela de Ingenierías Industriales, Arquitecto Francisco Peñalosa, 6,, Malaga, Andalucia, Spain, 29071

"Micro and Nano-Driven Antennas, Circuits, and Sensors for Telehealth and Telemedicine"

Room: Aula S202, Bldg: Escuela Politécnica Superior, Campus Universitario s/n, Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain, 28805, Virtual:

This talk will give an overview of our recent progress on micro/nanotechnology-driven wireless sensors and integrated systems. The first part of this talk will discuss low-noise, batteryless and wireless harmonic/intermodulation sensors for physical and (bio-)chemical sensing, as well as ultracompact harmonic biosensors based on chemically-reconfigurable frequency modulators built using nanomaterial-based RF circuits. In addition, wearable antennas based on lightweight and stretchable nanocomposite materials will be discussed, along with their applications in wearable electronics and smart skins. The second part of this talk will discuss how the concepts of “PT-symmetry” originating from quantum mechanics and “time crystal” can be implemented using RF circuits and applied to enhance sensitivity and resolvability of wireless micro/nano-sensors, with some in-vivo demonstrations. The final part of this talk will showcase nanomaterial-based RF/analog circuits that leverage the intrinsically high entropy to generate electromagnetically unclonable function (EMUF)-based cryptographic keys for identifying and securing resource-scarce wireless sensors, RFID tags, and IoTs. Co-sponsored by: Grupo de Sistemas Adaptativos de Microondas / Universidad de Alcalá Speaker(s): Pai-Yen Chen Room: Aula S202, Bldg: Escuela Politécnica Superior, Campus Universitario s/n, Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain, 28805, Virtual:

Micro and Nano-Driven Antennas, Circuits, and Sensors for Telehealth and Telemedicine

Room: Aula de Grados, Building Padre Soler, Bldg: Padre Soler, Escuela Politécnica Superior, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid , Avda. Universidad 30, Leganes, Madrid, Spain, 28911, Virtual:

Conference Abstract: With the rapid advent in sensors and actuators, and the ever-advancing wireless technologies, the idea of internet-of-things (IoTs) has had a revolutionary impact on ubiquitous computing with massive amount of data from the 5G/B5G-connected smart objects. This new paradigm has become the driving force for many new technologies, such as smart cities, telemedicine, telediagnosis, and point-of-care testing (POCT). This talk will give an overview of our recent progress on micro/nanotechnology-driven wireless sensors and integrated systems. The first part of this talk will discuss low-noise, batteryless and wireless harmonic/intermodulation sensors for physical and (bio-)chemical sensing, as well as ultracompact harmonic biosensors based on chemically-reconfigurable frequency modulators built using nanomaterial-based RF circuits. In addition, wearable antennas based on lightweight and stretchable nanocomposite materials will be discussed, along with their applications in wearable electronics and smart skins. The second part of this talk will discuss how the concepts of “PT-symmetry” originating from quantum mechanics and “time crystal” can be implemented using RF circuits and applied to enhance sensitivity and resolvability of wireless micro/nano-sensors, with some in-vivo demonstrations. The final part of this talk will showcase nanomaterial-based RF/analog circuits that leverage the intrinsically high entropy to generate electromagnetically unclonable function (EMUF)-based cryptographic keys for identifying and securing resource-scarce wireless sensors, RFID tags, and IoTs. Co-sponsored by: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Speaker(s): Pai-Yen, Room: Aula de Grados, Building Padre Soler, Bldg: Padre Soler, Escuela Politécnica Superior, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid , Avda. Universidad 30, Leganes, Madrid, Spain, 28911, Virtual:

IEEE PES ESPAÑA | | Flexibilidad en sistemas eléctricos: Regulación y nuevas oportunidades de negocio


IEEE PES ESPAÑA | | THE ENERGY TRANSITION | Towards a DECARBONIZED ENERGY | Flexibilidad en sistemas eléctricos: Regulación y nuevas oportunidades de negocio Estimados Miembros del Capítulo IEEE PES ESPAÑA y de la comunidad de sistemas eléctricos de potencia, Dear IEEE PES Spain Members and Colleagues from power and energy community, Continuing with the series on the topic LA TRANSICIÓN ENERGETICA | Hacia una ECONOMIA DESCARBONIZADA THE ENERGY TRANSITION | Towards a DECARBONIZED ECONOMY The energy transition towards a decarbonized economy will present a relevant challenge and a crucial transformation faced by our Society; Decelerating climate change effects is becoming a moral commitment. As a society, we are part of the decarbonized energy process that goes through the electrification of the economy and it is supported by renewables within a sustainable energy model. This means a change of paradigm which heads towards an immediate exciting future full of challenges at all levels associated with flexibility in its widest conception. It is assumed that a change of paradigm, that requires changing the focus from active based asset management towards the digitalization that ensures resiliency and security for the future electric systems. In this context, we need to contribute and stimulate the exchange of ideas from different perspectives and experiences, creating a framework of reflection through these series of webinars. The expected benefit and impact is the identification of opportunities within the complexity associated with the change of paradigm. En este webinar, Alicia Carrasco (olivoENERGY) nos hablará sobre flexibilidad en sistemas eléctricos, enfocándose en aspectos regulatorios y nuevas oportunidades de negocio. Título: Flexibilidad en sistemas eléctricos: Regulación y nuevas oportunidades de negocio Contenido: En este webinar, se discutirán distintos aspectos de regulación y nuevas oportunidades de negocio de flexibilidad en sistemas eléctricos, con énfasis en el contexto del sistema eléctrico español. Ponente: Alicia Carrasco (olivoENERGY) Fecho: Jueves 12 de septiembre, 2024 Hora: 18:00 - 20:00 (CET) Idioma: Castellano La participación en estos webinar es abierta a cualquier asistente, incluyendo miembros de IEEE/PES y no-miembros. Sin embargo, el REGISTRO en el evento es necesario para recibir en enlace URL para el evento WebEx. En enlace de conexión para este se mandará a los asistentes el día del evento a las 11:30am (CET). El registro se cierra el día 12.09.2024 a las 11:30 (CET). El acceso al REGISTRO es: For further information: : The IEEE PES ESPAÑA System issues participation certificates in these to the attendees under request. The necessary condition for the System to issue the certificate is that the attendee must participate with at least one voice question during the question time. Looking forward to seeing you. Un cordial saludo, Prof. Oriol Gomis-Bellmunt Presidente (, ( Speaker(s): Alicia Carrasco Virtual:



Por orden del presidente, se convoca la reunión ordinaria del capitulo correspondiente a Septiembre 2024 Virtual:

All Electric Society International Summit 2024

Recinto Ferial de Asturias, Luis Adaro. Paseo Doctor Fleming, 481, Gijon, Madrid, Spain, 33201

The “All Electric Society (AES)” International Summit on Electric Mobility and Smart Cities is a response to the growing demand for professionals to meet the challenge of electrifying the society of the 21st century. It is an event organized by the University of Oviedo Foundation together with the “Milla del Conocimiento” Chair and the International Education Network (EduNet) supported by Phoenix Contact. This event will take place on 19th and 20th of September 2024, at the International Trade Show facilities (Gijón Convention Center) in Gijón, Asturias (Spain). It is estimated that more than 500 people will attend the Gijón Convention Center site during these two days. All EduNet members are invited to participate in this singular event. Co-sponsored by: Plexigrid, Phoenix Contact Agenda: [] Recinto Ferial de Asturias, Luis Adaro. Paseo Doctor Fleming, 481, Gijon, Madrid, Spain, 33201

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