IEEE PES ESPAÑA | | Needs for climate policies

Room: Aula Pérez del Pulgar, Calle de Alberto Aguilera, 25, Madrid, Madrid, Spain

IEEE PES ESPAÑA | | Why are climate policies more necessary than ever? Economic development, environment and security of supply Estimados Miembros del Capítulo IEEE PES ESPAÑA y de la comunidad de sistemas eléctricos de potencia, Dear IEEE PES Spain Members and Colleagues from power and energy community, Continuing with the webinar series on the topic THE ENERGY TRANSITION | Towards a DECARBONIZED ECONOMY, we invite you to attend the following seminar organized within the framework of Comillas' Máster Universitario en Sector Eléctrico. In this seminar, Gonzalo Sáenz de Miera (Iberdrola) will talk about the need for climate policies. Title: Why are climate policies more necessary than ever? Economic development, environment and security of supply Content: Having just arrived from the Azerbaijan Climate Summit (COP 29) organized by the United Nations, Gonzalo Sáenz de Miera will show that the energy transition is not only about the environment (climate change, biodiversity, air quality...) but also about economics (since most of the clean solutions are more competitive...) and security of supply, of enormous value as we could see with the Ukraine crisis. How behind climate policies there are industrial policies to attract investments, how Spain is well positioned to take advantage of these opportunities, and how governments need to approve public policies that move the economy in this direction and the collaboration between everyone (companies, universities, governments, NGOs...) in alliances. Speaker: Gonzalo Sáenz de Miera (Iberdrola) Date: December 3, 2024 Time: 19:00 - 21:00 (CET) Language: Spanish or English To participate, please use the following link for more details and to register for the event: For further information: Looking forward to seeing you. Lukas Sigrist Tesorero (, ( Speaker(s): Gonzalo Sáenz de Miera Room: Aula Pérez del Pulgar, Calle de Alberto Aguilera, 25, Madrid, Madrid, Spain


Room: Salón de Grados, Bldg: Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería, Camino de los Descubrimientos s/n, Sevilla, Andalucia, Spain, 41092

IEEE PES ESPAÑA | SESION DE CIERRE 2024 | ACTO DE RECONOCIMIENTOS La Directiva IEEE PES ESPAÑA te invita a la Sesión de Cierre 2024, presencial y telemática, para el 10 de diciembre de 2024, según el Programa que se indica a continuación. PROGRAMA- IEEE PES ESPAÑA SESION DE CIERRE 2024 | ACTO DE RECONOCIMIENTOS Martes 10 de diciembre de 2024 - Salón de Grados. Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería. Camino de los Descubrimientos s/n, 41092 Sevilla 17:00 Bienvenida Dr. Andrés Sáez Pérez. Director de la ETSI. Universidad de Sevilla 17:15 Asamblea general Informe de actividades 2024 Dr. Oriol Gomis Bellmunt. Presidente del Capítulo Español IEEE PES Informe económico Dr. Lukas Sigrist. Tesorero del Capítulo Español IEEE PES Planificación de actividades 2025 Dr. Oriol Gomis Bellmunt. Presidente del Capítulo Español IEEE PES Ruegos y preguntas 18:00 Entrega de premios del Concurso Desafío TFM en 3 minutos D. César García Veloso. Vocal del Capítulo Español IEEE PES 18:15 Entrega del premio Outstanding Engineer Award Presentación de Dr. Luis Rouco Rodríguez Dr. Oriol Gomis Bellmunt. Presidente del Capítulo Español IEEE PES La evolución del problema de estabilidad en los últimos 40 años: un viaje personal Dr. Luis Rouco Rodíguez (Universidad Pontificia Comillas) 19:30 Copa de vino español El acceso a la Sessión de Cierre 2024 y al Acto de Reconocimientos está abierto a todos los interesados, sean o no miembros de nuestro Capítulo, pero se requiere REGISTRO Fecha: 10 diciembre 2024 Hora: 17:00 - 19:30 (Europa-Madrid) Ubicación: Salón de grados. Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería. Camino de los descubrimientos s/n, 41092 Sevilla El REGISTRO se cierra a las 11:30 (En ESPAÑA) del jueves 5 de diciembre de 2024, y el acceso directo a REGISTRO en Mas información IEEE PES ESPAÑA | SESION DE CIERRE 2024 : Un cordial saludo, José María Maza Ortega Vicepresidente IEEE PES España Room: Salón de Grados, Bldg: Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería, Camino de los Descubrimientos s/n, Sevilla, Andalucia, Spain, 41092

Distinguished Lecture by Dr. Augusto Neto – DL-based resource management

Bldg: ETSI de Telecomunicación, Universidad de Valladolid, Paseo de Belén 11, Valladolid, Castilla y Leon, Spain, 47011

Cloud-Network slicing has emerged as a transformative paradigm in the realm of 5G, promising to revolutionize the way virtual and communication resources are allocated and managed. This talk delves into the fundamental concepts of cloud-network slicing, exploring our architecture, principles, and key technology enablers to set instances across core and RAN domains. We will delve into the various benefits that cloud-network slicing brings to the table, including improved multi-tenancy, enhanced network flexibility, and customized service delivery. Additionally, we will discuss the enabling technologies and methodologies that facilitate the implementation of cloud-network slicing, such as network function virtualization (NFV), software-defined networking (SDN), cloud computing, and predictive networking elasticity. Overall, this talk aims to provide attendees with a comprehensive understanding of cloud-network slicing, its benefits, and the key enablers driving its adoption in modern network architectures. Attendees will gain insights into how cloud-network slicing can unlock new opportunities for innovation and efficiency in cloud computing and networking domains. Speaker(s): Augusto Neto Bldg: ETSI de Telecomunicación, Universidad de Valladolid, Paseo de Belén 11, Valladolid, Castilla y Leon, Spain, 47011

Best Student Journal Paper Award of the IEEE CEDA Spain Section

Madrid, Madrid, Spain

Best Journal Paper Award of the IEEE CEDA Spain Chapter The Spanish Chapter of IEEE CEDA opens a call for Best Journal Paper Award aimed at promoting young researchers. Prize The IEEE CEDA Spain Chapter will sponsor the award with 250€. A diploma will be awarded to the authors at the DCIS conference in 2025. Basis for Judgement General quality, originality, contributions, subject matter, and timeliness. Papers will be evaluated and ranked by a committee of three independent experts. Eligibility - Paper within the scope of IEEE CEDA ( published in an IEEE journal. - The paper must have been published in 2023 or 2024. - At least one of the authors must be a PhD student or have obtained the PhD degree less than 2 years before paper submission date. This author must have been affiliated to a Spanish academic or research center at the time of paper submission. Nomination info - Full paper data. - Current affiliation and addresses of all authors. - A one-page summary highlighting originality, new research contributions and timeliness All this information must be sent by e-mail to IEEE CEDA Spain Chapter: Nomination deadline is Feb. 28, 2025. Madrid, Madrid, Spain

Distinguished Lecture by Dr. Augusto Neto – DL-based resource management

Room: Salón de actos, Bldg: Edificio Multiusos I+D+i, Universidad de Salamanca, C/ Espejo 2, Salamanca, Castilla y Leon, Spain, 37007

Cloud-Network slicing has emerged as a transformative paradigm in the realm of 5G, promising to revolutionize the way virtual and communication resources are allocated and managed. This talk delves into the fundamental concepts of cloud-network slicing, exploring our architecture, principles, and key technology enablers to set instances across core and RAN domains. We will delve into the various benefits that cloud-network slicing brings to the table, including improved multi-tenancy, enhanced network flexibility, and customized service delivery. Additionally, we will discuss the enabling technologies and methodologies that facilitate the implementation of cloud-network slicing, such as network function virtualization (NFV), software-defined networking (SDN), cloud computing, and predictive networking elasticity. Overall, this talk aims to provide attendees with a comprehensive understanding of cloud-network slicing, its benefits, and the key enablers driving its adoption in modern network architectures. Attendees will gain insights into how cloud-network slicing can unlock new opportunities for innovation and efficiency in cloud computing and networking domains. Speaker(s): Augusto Neto Room: Salón de actos, Bldg: Edificio Multiusos I+D+i, Universidad de Salamanca, C/ Espejo 2, Salamanca, Castilla y Leon, Spain, 37007

Distinguished Lecture by Dr. Augusto Neto – DL-based resource management

Room: Auditorium, IMDEA Networks, Avda. del Mar Mediterraneo 22, Leganés, Madrid, Spain, 28918

Cloud-Network slicing has emerged as a transformative paradigm in the realm of 5G, promising to revolutionize the way virtual and communication resources are allocated and managed. This talk delves into the fundamental concepts of cloud-network slicing, exploring our architecture, principles, and key technology enablers to set instances across core and RAN domains. We will delve into the various benefits that cloud-network slicing brings to the table, including improved multi-tenancy, enhanced network flexibility, and customized service delivery. Additionally, we will discuss the enabling technologies and methodologies that facilitate the implementation of cloud-network slicing, such as network function virtualization (NFV), software-defined networking (SDN), cloud computing, and predictive networking elasticity. Overall, this talk aims to provide attendees with a comprehensive understanding of cloud-network slicing, its benefits, and the key enablers driving its adoption in modern network architectures. Attendees will gain insights into how cloud-network slicing can unlock new opportunities for innovation and efficiency in cloud computing and networking domains. Speaker(s): Augusto Neto Room: Auditorium, IMDEA Networks, Avda. del Mar Mediterraneo 22, Leganés, Madrid, Spain, 28918

Kick-off Meeting IEEE Spain Artificial Intelligence Group


Reunión de arranque del IEEE Spain Artificial Intelligence Group. En esta reunión se presentará el grupo, sus participantes, objetivos, iniciativas y su funcionamiento. Cualquier persona interesada en la IA puede participar en el grupo local, sea o no miembro del IEEE. Se invita a los asistentes que envíen a la diapositiva del ( cumplimentada con sus datos y qué espera del grupo antes del 8 de enero. La reunión se celebrará en google meets en el siguiente enlace: Agenda: o 15:00 – 15:10 § Presentación del grupo o 15:10 – 15:25 § Presentación de los participantes (30’’ por persona) -> 15/20 personas aproximadamente · ¿Afiliación? · ¿Campo de estudio? · ¿Qué espera del grupo? o 15:25 – 15:35 § Funcionamiento del grupo o 15:35 – 15:45 § Propuesta primeras acciones o 15:45 – 16:00 § Dudas § Discusión § Próximos pasos Virtual:

IoT: From Connectivity to AI

Bldg: Edificio I+D+i, Univerisdad de Salamanca, Salamanca, Castilla y Leon, Spain, 37007

Lecture Topics - IoT: From Connectivity to AI - Mobile Security - Standardizations in Communications and Networking - Crowd Engineering using IoT and ML - Human factors in Smart and Connected Communities Speaker(s): Prof. Baek-Young Choi Bldg: Edificio I+D+i, Univerisdad de Salamanca, Salamanca, Castilla y Leon, Spain, 37007

AI Towards 6G – From the Network to the Physical Layer and VLC

Room: Salón de Grados, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Leganés, Madrid, Spain, 28911, Virtual:

[] We are excited to invite you to the Workshop on AI for 6G, taking place on January 14th, 2025, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (CET) at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Leganés. The event will feature insightful technical talks on the application of AI in communications, covering a wide area of topics from the Network to the Physical Layer and Visible Light Communications (VLC). Speakers: - Baek-Young Choi (Professor of Computer Science and CS Faculty Lead, University of Missouri-Kansas City) - Mari Carmen Aguayo Torres (Professor and Head of the Research Institute of Telecommunications (Instituto de Investigación en Telecomunicación), Universidad de Málaga) - Máximo Morales Céspedes (Ramón y Cajal Researcher, Department of Signal Theory and Communications, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid) Hosts: Ana García Armada, Víctor P. Gil, and Lianet Méndez (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid). This workshop is proudly organized in collaboration with the IEEE Spain Signal Processing and Communications Joint Chapter, IEEE ComSoc WICE, and WIE Spain. Event Details: - Location: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Leganés ( - Join online: Join us virtually, no registration needed: We look forward to your participation! Speaker(s): Prof. Baek-Young Choi, Prof. M. Carmen Aguayo Torres, Dr. Máximo Morales Céspedes Room: Salón de Grados, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Leganés, Madrid, Spain, 28911, Virtual:

Doctorate School of Engineering: Smart Systems for Ambient Assisted Living

Room: Sala de Grados (zona Este, primera planta), Bldg: Edificio Politécnico, Campus Universitario S/N., Politechnical School. University of Alcalá, Alcala de Henares, Madrid, Spain, 28805, Virtual:

This school focuses on Smart Systems for Ambient Assisted Living. It will cover advanced topics related to utilizing technology to enhance the quality of life for elderly or disabled individuals within their living environments. These systems often integrate sensors, actuators, artificial intelligence, and communication technologies to monitor and assist with daily activities, health monitoring, and safety. The school will include lectures covering various aspects such as sensor technologies, data analysis techniques, machine learning algorithms, human-computer interaction, privacy and ethics considerations, and real-world implementation challenges. IMS Spain Chapter sponsors the plenary sessions. Co-sponsored by: EUGLOG University of Alcala Room: Sala de Grados (zona Este, primera planta), Bldg: Edificio Politécnico, Campus Universitario S/N., Politechnical School. University of Alcalá, Alcala de Henares, Madrid, Spain, 28805, Virtual: